01 July 2009

my one true love

Not only does magic hat produce the best beer in the whole world, but it also gives its sippers life lessons when they pop open their bottle caps to take a nice crisp swig.
Yes, I've gotten weird looks when I tell people that I rely on magic hat caps to give me inspiration and a reason to move forward, but I clearly don't care.

Dear magic hat,
I love every 12 oz of you and with each sip you steal even more of my heart and memory.
love, lauren.

I collect them all and have them laying around my desk and work space for inspiring thoughts and ideas.
I close my eyes and reach to the top of my shelf and grab one.
Some people read quotes from Aristotle or the Bible in the morning to start their day, I drank a magic hat and save the cap in my wallet.

My favorite cap, which still makes my heart skip a beat:

"Enjoy a heart, it's a work of art" (sigh)

on tap or in the bottle, you can't beat a magic hat in your right hand and good conversion on your left. my favorite bartenders are the ones that get excited about the top as much as I do and give it to me without asking. They always get 100 % at the end of the night.

If you don't know what my favorite beer is, you are not my friend. Stop reading this.

Magical Hatteras:
"The Ancient Ritual of brewing a distinctly rich and flavorful beer is nothing short of magic. Our mysterious mix of time-honored ingredients, chaotic chemistry, humble patience, and blind faith age into the secret brew we share in the rousing company of good spirits.

"Feel Strange at least twice a Day"
"Beer for peace"

"And no Oompa-Loompas"

"Music Soothes our Savage Yeast"

"Ingredients: Beer"

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